Monday, May 16, 2005

New Tool Assists Nonprofit Boards in Assessing the Chief Executive

New Tool Assists Nonprofit Boards in Assessing the Chief Executive: "Press release from: BoardSource
New Tool Assists Nonprofit Boards in Assessing the Chief Executive
Does your organization conduct an annual review?
Does your board document the assessment process?

(CSRwire) WASHINGTON, DC - BoardSource, the premier source for nonprofit governance information, today announced the release of the Assessment of the Chief Executive online tool, co-authored by BoardSource and Josh Mintz and Jane Pierson of Cavanaugh, Hagan and Pierson, Inc.

Assessing the chief executive is one of the board's primary governance responsibilities and is critical to the success of the chief executive and the organization as a whole, especially in today's environment of increased media and IRS scrutiny. A nonprofit board should carefully document the assessment process and establish a plan for measuring performance based on the organization's strategic objectives. "

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